共為你找到:96筆low level analysis 相關企業資訊
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
◎民國81年3月於五股工業區旁成立,為專業傳統式盒餐公司。 ◎民國93年,負責人與衛生管理人員於食品工業發展研究所訓練, 並取得HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point- 危害分析及重要管制點控制)之受訓成績合格證明書。 ◎民國96年廠區移建,遷移至台北縣泰山鄉,擁有現代化生產設備,以及完整的 廠區規劃。 ◎民國96年3月23經衛生單位針對盒餐食品廠商評鑑合格,核發工 廠登記證及營利事業登記証。 ◎民國96年通過台北縣政府衛生局盒餐工廠評鑑優良之廠商。 ◎民國98年桃園縣龍潭烏樹林工業區工二路成立中央廚房服務桃園 中壢區客戶。 ◎民國99年10月與魔膳健康廚房合作推廣健康餐並承接台北花博大佳河濱公園區之 便當銷售。
We are a reputable manufacturer with over 20 years experience in making variety of bags; luggage and massagers. Our factory located in Dong Guan, China with over 350 workers and occupying 40,000 square meters of land. All accessories and raw materials come from Tai wan and Taiwanese factory in China in order to meet up middle to high quality level. Our products covering all kind of bags; trolley cases and suitcases in different materials and size, such as: beauty cases; camera bags; cosmetic bags; sport bags and EVA travel cases etc.
專營比利時進口巧克力,啤酒零售 以顧客滿意度為最優先的條件,Leonidas是全比利時第一家在1998年獲得Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(民調公司)顧客滿意度認證的公司。2001年時它又再度打破舊有的制度-----獲得ISO9001品質認證。 比利時手工巧克力 100%新鮮空運 比利時手工軟糖 100%新鮮水果製造
蘇黎世產物保險公司 (原華僑產物保險) ,成立於1961年,深耕本土保險業務已逾40年之久。1989年成為蘇黎世金融保險集團在台灣的關係企業,之後於1998年9月正式更名為「蘇黎世產物保險股份有限公司」。 目前在台灣全省有三十餘處服務據點,經營各種產物保險業務,主要營運項目有:火災保險、貨物運輸保險、汽車保險、工程保險、責任保險、傷害保險、意外險及健康保險等。 我們的目標是為客戶與員工增進利益,對社會有所貢獻,為股東創造長期投資價值。 * 客戶:我們在選定的市場區隔內,提供最優惠的保險保障與投資理財解決方案和附加價值的服務,以增進客戶的財務保障及其投資利益。 * 員工:我們要為員工提供一個充分發揮潛能的工作環境,適當獎賞員工的貢獻。 * 股東:我們要為股東持續追求高於平均水準的投資收益,以創造長期價值。 * 社會:我們要履行社會責任,並為當地福祉貢獻一份心力。 策略行銷的先行者 Pioneer in Strategic Marketing 蘇黎世台灣首創「以客戶別」為導向之編組,以服務不同市場區隔之顧客,並提供完整的風險評估及保險方案。不但為顧客提供最方便又有效率的「整合性解決方案」,同時滿足客戶一次購齊的需求。 蘇黎世台灣風險管理部門曾獲得ISO9001的國際認證,不但提供專業的損害防阻服務,且運用專有的蘇黎世危險因素分析法(Zurich Hazard Analysis),針對客戶可能遭遇的各類風險作全面性的分析,協助客戶訂定其風險管理的計劃。 近十年來蘇黎世產險除戮力於「傳統業務」及「傳統銷售通路」外,更努力引進各種「非傳統-策略行銷」之通路及商品,為台灣產險業界「非傳統-策略行銷(Strategic Marketing)」之先行者。蘇黎世台灣所發展之新通路及業務模式,不但成功為公司帶來可觀之保費收入,更因能提供客戶更好的商品及服務,使客戶的接受度增高,成為產險業爭相仿效之對象。 經營績效 Operational Performance 2009年蘇黎世產險的直接簽單保費收入達新台幣34億元,市場佔有率3.39%。蘇黎世產險在新險種與新通路的開發上表現優異。 蘇黎世創新的產品開發能力,包括領先提供火災事故及與配偶同一意外死亡等特定事故提供加倍給付、陸海空大眾運輸工具意外高額給付等保障內容的設計,能針對消費者的需求量身辦理,因此深獲客戶肯定。成為「最好的保險商品與服務提供者」是我們的自我期許與經營使命。 發展期許 Future Development 蘇黎世金融保險集團最近幾年聚焦於核心產險業務之新方針。蘇黎世集團並將積極在台灣及大中華東南亞地區發展產險業務致力成為亞洲地區最大之產險公司。運用世界級的先進保險技術,台灣蘇黎世產險將努力發展成為本地最具特色之產險公司,為客戶提供最佳之商品與服務。
青海玻璃創立於1979年,專營進口歐洲 Glaverbel、Pilkington、Saint-Gobain、 美國 Guardian、Viracon 及日本Asahi 等特殊玻璃、建築玻璃及裝潢玻璃。 近年來配合綠建築概念,致力推廣日本第一品牌Asahi 旭硝子「Sunergy」 Low-E (Low Emissivity) 低輻射玻璃,廣受業界指定採用,業績遍佈全省, 近期已先後完成中部地區多項豪華建案。本公司針對各種設計理念選擇最適合的產品搭配, 能有效降低建築外觀反射光害,減少室內能源消耗,對於提升自我產品技術品質的堅持以及 保護生態環境的努力,深受營建界肯定。 公司另設白天鵝水晶禮品部門,致力於內外銷,白天鵝水晶是在攝氏1200以上,憑精湛之技術、 經驗及創意,手工火煉而成,具有亮、艷、柔之特性,極富藝術價值,風行歐美,送禮珍藏兩相宜。 禮品適用於,會員大會、股東會、週年慶、開幕、當選、交接、感謝、升遷、結婚、生日送禮, 有禮行遍天下,事事如意心想事成。
WHAT WE DO Whether it is a strategic need or an operational need or a new business initiative, Brilliant Inc,. has the right strategy. MosaStore leverages its business and research expertise to help its clients prepare for the future. We advise management, executives and corporate on strategic issues and corporate vision. We help businesses with strategic analysis, market research, business processes, financial analysis, managing innovations and technology implementation. MosaStore is a unique place to find business, finance, marketing and technology experts that provide cross-functional analysis to leaders. Our Mission Helping corporates to ingeniously utilize resources Our Vision Absolute value creation Values Creativity and Innovation Honesty, Integrity and Teamwork Respect for individuals
NGR Inc.® has been focusing on the development of a semiconductor verification tool based on a totally new concept since the foundation of the company in July 2000. NGR Inc. is committed to innovation for semiconductor equipment to address the metrology and inspection needs of the 65nm and 45nm manufacturing nodes. Since its inception, NGR has focused its initial effort on the development of a die-to-database platform to address OPC and mask verification. This initial effort has yielded the introduction of the NGR®2100 2D metrology tool, which was introduced at the 2005 SPIE conference and received rave reviews for it’s innovative approach to the industries core problems as we address the next generation manufacturing requirements. The NGR 2100 is a SEM based platform that features a new industry standard for its large distortion free FOV, stitch and butt stage and image acquisition, and high speed/high accuracy 2D feature analysis. The tool is uniquely positioned to allow direct feedback into the EDA environment for OPC and model verification.
Pencom’s “Manufactured globally, supplied locally” philosophy provides customers with low cost global manufacturing, while still offering localized inventory and technical support. Founded in 1982 by William A. Gardiner, Pencom has been awarded preferred supplier status by many of the worlds largest OEM’s and contract manufacturers. The company employs more than 400 people globally and has approximately 145,000 square feet of manufacturing space at its various locations. ISO certified, Pencom is committed to supplying our customers with quality parts on time. This philosophy transverses the entire Pencom staff from senior management to shipping. Full-service capabilities in design, engineering and manufacturing, with an innovative ability to supply low-tech components with a high-tech inventory system, sets Pencom apart from its competition. The company offers precision machining, turning, milling, screw machining and stamping for prototypes and high volume production. These processes are used to manufacture captive screws, inserts, latches, spacers, self-clinching nuts and other mechanical hardware, including ejectors and handles. It also produces electro-mechanical components, such as switches and connectors, and thermal management components, such as custom heat sinks, heat pipes and ducting. With an eye towards the future, Pencom’s “Visible Inventory” System, provides customers with the opportunity to view their inventory in “real time,” eliminating the use of manual counting or bar coding.
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